Building & Real estate
The building & real estate sector team provides you direct access to buyers and sellers throughout various countries and supports you on cross-border M&A and corporate finance opportunities.
Transaction experience in sub-sectors:
- Building
- Infrastructure
- Demolition
- Installation
- Residential real estate
- Non-residential real estate
- Real estate development
Sector team Building & Real estate
- Óscar Ávila (Mexico)
- Gilberto Baj Macario (Italy)
- Agnieszka Borecka (Poland)
- Leopoldo Burillo (Mexico)
- Maureen L. Cohen (Mexico)
- Cameron Duncan (Ireland)
- Giovanni Fanfani (Italy)
- Carlos Garrido (Mexico)
- Nicoleta Gheorghe (Spain)
- Thierry Hassanaly (France)
- Naohiro I (Japan)
- Simon Jones (Australia)
- Zeynep Koçak (Turkey)
- Alfonso León (Mexico)
- Hervé Liagre (France)
- Szymon Oprzalski (Poland)
- Borja Oria (Spain)
- Patrick O-Shea (USA)
- İbrahim Romano (Turkey)
- Jaap Smits (Netherlands)
- Mike Symons (Australia)
- Piotr Szczeci?ski (Poland)
- Przemys?aw Szpytka (Poland)
- Manmohan Tiwana (India)
- Glenn Tofil (USA)
- Simge Ündüz (Turkey)
- Leonardo Valdovinos (Mexico)
- Wim van Acht (Netherlands)