Terms of Use
These terms of use apply to the use of this website. Please read these terms and conditions carefully and attentively. When using this website, you accept the following terms of use which shall apply at all times. If you do not accept these terms in their entirety, we kindly request you not to use this website. We reserve the right to change information on this website and modify these terms of use at any time.
About us
This website is the property of World M&A Alliance (“World M&A Alliance”). We welcome your comments and suggestions about this website. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us by sending an email to info@world-ma.com.
The terms “Partner” and “Associate” are used on this website: these are internal titles for employees at World M&A Alliance. These terms do not necessarily imply any form of formal authorization to represent World M&A Alliance.
The content of this website is protected by laws of copyright. We reserve all rights. Information may be downloaded or printed on paper subject to statement of the source. Neither this website (nor parts of it) may be used for public or commercial purposes without the prior written permission of World M&A Alliance.
No commercial offer
This website is for information purposes only. Nothing on this website may be construed as a commercial offer, which, if accepted, would lead to entering into a contract.
Authorized users of the website
This website is not intended for use by persons who are subject to legislation (based on the person’s nationality, place of residence or otherwise) that forbids publication or consultation of this website. We request persons to whom such legislation applies not to use this website. It is the explicit responsibility of the user to ascertain whether or not he/she is legally permitted to use this website.
Data protection
Any personal information that you provide in relation to this website will be treated with the appropriate care. We will only use your personal data in order to communicate with you. We request you not to send confidential information via the contact details facility on this website, as such information is not covered by a nondisclosure agreement.
World M&A Alliance operates security systems that are customary in this sector in order to protect personal data. Our web servers are located in a secure environment which may only be accessed by authorized users.
We use information and statistics to monitor website activity. This information helps us to improve the website and adapt it to the needs of our users. These statistics do not include any information that could be used to identify individual users.
We will not make your personal information available to third parties without your prior consent, unless we are legally required to do so.
Although we scrutinize our information and the sources from which we take information with extreme care and make every effort to ensure that the information on this website is up-to-date and accurate, World M&A Alliance cannot warrant the accuracy and completeness of this information. The information and opinions published on this website are for information purposes only. The user is solely responsible for interpretation and the consequences of using this information. The information on this website is subject to change.
We cannot guarantee that information on this website is free of viruses or other malware that may cause damage or loss of data. The user is personally responsible for taking any action required to prevent virus infection and ward off other damaging attacks.
Sector Information
The information about the sectors is based purely on our own opinions and experience and may under no circumstances be regarded as impartial advice.
No advisory content
Nothing on this website may be regarded as constituting advice in any area whatsoever. The information is not intended to be seen as advice on investments, legislation, taxation or any other subject.
Exclusion of liability
World M&A Alliance is in no way liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or costs arising from use of or a link to this website or any expectations you may have based on the content of this website. Under no circumstances is World M&A Alliance liable for any damages of whatever nature that may have resulted from use of this website.
External sites
This website may contain links to other websites (“Linked Sites”). These Linked Sites have been included for your convenience and are used at your own risk. We are in no way responsible for the content of these Linked Sites.
You should be aware that the internet is an open network and therefore not secure. If you send us information regarding use of this website via electronic means, you do so at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that communications of this nature will not be intercepted or altered.
The name World M&A Alliance and World M&A Alliance’s logo are the intellectual property of World M&A Alliance.
These terms of use and anything associated with them are governed by Dutch law. Users outside the Netherlands are personally responsible for investigating how local legislation affects using this website.